Environmental Sustainability


1. A Quick Overview


People don’t ‘believe’ in climate change? Is the world flat too? What is happening? When did science become relative?

Are you enjoying the floods, wildfires and manmade earthquakes? A sustainable environment is a basic human right. If we do not commit to aggressive environmental change, we will face mass extinction.

The Free Republic of California shoots for the moon out of necessity and demands the same from its neighbors. Our Constitution sets forth the challenge in Article 2, Section 13:


Protection of the environment, nature and biodiversity is a basic human right and is the responsibility of all government officials, agencies and the populous itself. To that end, California shall be carbon neutral and fossil fuel independent within ten years of the ratification of this Constitution. Additional protectionary measures shall be determined by Act.

The public authorities shall endeavor to guarantee for everyone the right to a healthy environment and for everyone the possibility to influence the decisions that concern their own living environment, subject to any minimum environmental protections determined by Act.


Our Budget establishes Habitat Environ to further this Constitutional mandate, stating:


Habitat Environ will be the biggest governmental commitment to climate change in the history of the Americas. Its Year One investment totals over twenty-seven billion dollars, triple the entire budget of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This allocation comes from California’s previous contributions to the U.S. EPA and the State of California’s environmental programming coupled with the Habitat Environ Fund’s support of nearly fourteen billion dollars…

…Californians will breath clean air, use free energy and drink clean water ad infinitum. Our Sequoias will grow to new heights as the poppies blow in the wind.

We will be the solution: An entirely sustainable collective existence.


2. Influence Your Representatives

Write them all. It takes five seconds.

Here is some suggested text to use:


Dear _______________,

Fires burn. Floods drown. And you let Oklahoma become the earthquake capital.

The sun and the wind gift us energy and you want us to climb back in the mines. The biggest threat to the security of our land is ignored as you shake your fists in defiance of scientific evidence, in defiance of reality.

We are on the precipices of a loss of life and land unparalleled in human history. You cannot turn a blind eye anymore.

The ‘you’ I am referring to is our collective state and federal governments. Will you become eco-terrorist co-conspirators or eco-revolutionaries? Please support immediate and significant change to environmental policy by establishing a plan for carbon neutrality, supporting clean energy initiatives, discontinuing the massive tax breaks for fossil fuel companies and prosecuting those who violate environmental regulations. This is the ONLY way to save ourselves.

Sincerely yours,



3. Influence Your Neighborhood

Get out there, spread the word. Use our activation graphics or make your own and educate your neighborhood!




